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  • Writer's picturelemonadeandthebigc

What's Next?

And now what?

Well, we wait. We wait while the special ops forces, my CAR T cells, are hard at work eradicating and annihilating my cancer.

I am currently staying in the hospital. Not because I feel unwell, but as a precautionary measure. Some of the side effects of the CAR T cell infusions are not pretty, but not everyone experiences them. We will just have to wait and see how my body reacts to them. Over the course of the next 7-10 days I will remain in the hospital where I can be monitored and receive immediate care should it be needed.

Since yesterday, I’ve had a number of medical staff through my room to check how I’m feeling, log my vitals and assess my neurological function. I have every confidence that I am in very capable hands and the hospital staff are doing their best to keep me feeling comfortable and well.

When I had the stem cell transplant, each day for the first few weeks I sent out a little post with one or two sentences about how I’m feeling. I will do that again now. For those of you who aren’t on social media, you can check out the mini posts here.

Best to buckle up as the ride might get a little bumpy, but rest assured I have a great medical team and they have plenty of anti-nausea medication or anything else I might need. This third time’s a charm.

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