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Trying Something New - Or 75 of Them

Writer: lemonadeandthebigclemonadeandthebigc

Since my last post, I’ve been asked by a few people about my friend who challenged herself to complete 75 novel things in a year. Why 75? What things? How do you choose what to do? Those are only a few of the questions I’ve been asked.

Starting with the first, why 75? As previously mentioned, I took inspiration from a friend who in her 75th year set herself a challenge to do 75 new things. It was her 75th birthday, so I assume that is why she chose 75. However, reflecting upon the number there is a very sensible reason to choose 75 things for the year. It’s a manageable number. Numerically, 75 things spread over 52 weeks means completing about one and a half things a week. Realistically, it means finishing one new thing some weeks and completing two novel activities on the other weeks.

In my challenge, anything that was NEW to me qualifies as something new. A few weeks ago, I tried making butter tarts for the very first time. Last week, I attended a workshop at Almanac Grain, which is a local mill and bakery, and then I made a loaf of sourdough bread. This week, I baked a chocolate cake. Next week, my goal will likely be adjusting the chocolate cake recipe to substitute maple syrup instead of white sugar. As long as it’s something new, then it fits the bill.

When my friend completed her 75 new things, there was nothing too big or too small for her list. It could be something as simple as going for a walk or hike in a new place, or baking a new recipe, or trying a new activity. The key is to be ever-present in the moment regardless of how successful you are. Make a point of noticing the small details and cherishing them. So why does it have to be something new and not just something you love doing? The novelty provides an added hit of dopamine, or the “happy hormone”.

Along with completing a new activity, my friend numbered the activities and posted about them as she did them. Counting up or down not only kept track of her progress, but also enabled her to feel a sense of accomplishment as she got closer to finishing her goal. Posting about the activity was a way to save the memory. She later looked back and remembered the times and the cherished memories.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll post some of the new things I try. Perhaps it’ll inspire you to try them or to try your own “new things each week” challenge.



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