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  • Writer's picturelemonadeandthebigc

Third Time Will be the Charm - A Cancer Update

This is not the post I wanted to write.

I had wanted to write that my scans were all clear and I was in remission. But I can’t.

My scan from a week ago (April 21) shows that my cancer is still present. Thankfully, it seems to be only present in two areas of my abdomen and the doctor feels I have a low level of disease. However, the fact that it remains present means I have a very stubborn disease.

We met with the medical team today (Friday) to review the next steps which will be Car-T Cell Therapy. In order to receive this treatment, I will be enrolled in a medical trial that is focused on producing Canadian-engineered Car-T cells. Go Canada!

It is similar to a stem cell transplant with one marked difference and that is they are focusing on my T cells instead of stem cells. On the first day, they will harvest my T cells and send them to Vancouver, British Columbia to be re-engineered into special ops forces that will hunt down and destroy my cancer cells. It will take about 10 days for my T cells to be re-engineered. Then I will have 3 days of chemotherapy which will suppress my immune system so that my body accepts the modified cells. After that, they will reinject my T cells (special ops forces), which will begin the process of hunting down and destroying any cancer cells. After reinjection, I will likely be admitted to the hospital for approximately 7 days. For the remainder of the recovery, I will have daily visits to the hospital for monitoring. Throughout this time if I catch an infection, or need a blood transfusion, I will be admitted to the hospital.

Please send all the strength, love, energy, prayers, and courage you can to help us get through this next fight. I am again in the battle for my life and I am going to win. My newest slogan is “Third time’s a charm!” and of course, the old faithful slogan continues to be, “WE’ve got this!” I believe it takes a village to raise a child and it will take a village to battle my cancer.

This will be the LAST of my bad news letters. This time the treatment is going to work. I am going to become one of the very first Car-T Cell bloggers. After which, I will be cancer free and can go back to living a normal life complete with running a house, having a job, and caring for my family.

Big hugs, C

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Christina Walsh
Christina Walsh
Apr 30, 2023

Sending you all the strength and love to get through the next treatment and knock the last of it out. We're here for you, and thank you for sharing your journey with others. Knowledge is power ❤️ - Christina


ursula schoorl
ursula schoorl
Apr 30, 2023

Sending all my love<3

you go auntie•3•

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