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I’m Feeling Unproductive…Ugh! 

Writer: lemonadeandthebigclemonadeandthebigc

For the last few weeks, I’ve been feeling unproductive. I’ve been getting things done, just not at the pace I want them done. Each day, the to-do list gets a little longer and then I knock a few items off of it, then a few more are added, and it repeats. The end result is I’m not feeling productive and that has me being self-critical and feeling down.  


 So, I am trying an experiment that is designed to show accountability for tasks with the goal of increasing productivity. The experiment involves keeping a daily log. The premise is that you write the hours down in a list on the side of the page, starting with the time you get up. Then, every hour after, you write down what you have done or are in the process of doing. At the end of the day, there is a list of times and the tasks that have happened throughout the day.  


The goal is that by cataloging everything I do in a day; I will see exactly where my time is going. I will find out if things are taking longer than I planned, or if I’m getting sidetracked, or if I’m adding in additional tasks that I’m not taking into account.  


Hopefully keeping the list will also help me stay focused and finish tasks and see exactly where my time goes. I often begin something like vacuuming my kid’s room, but walk in to find dishes everywhere, and then end up tidying up the room, but never get to the vacuuming as I run out of time. Thus, this task is actually taking longer than I’ve allocated. 


Staying focused on a single task and not getting sidetracked is something everyone struggles with. Hopefully, by writing down everything I am doing, including when I get sidetracked, I will be able to identify a pattern. If it turns out that I’m losing time surfing social media each time I pick up my phone, then perhaps I need to fix that so I stop getting sidetracked or stop picking up my phone as often. 


It will also allow me to value all the tasks appropriately. For example, in the morning I get up, make my kids lunches, and drive them to school. This process takes an hour, but I don’t ever value the task highly enough. Yet making lunches and playing chauffeur are jobs that need to happen for everyone’s day to run smoothly.  


Finally, I hope that writing down all the things I do in a day will help me feel more productive. I’ll know what I’ve accomplished in a day and be able to value those tasks appropriately. The end result will be that I’ll feel more successful and positive about my days.  


P.S. I am continuing to work hard to make my body stronger and keep it healthy. I’m feeling nervous as I have a scan coming up in the next few weeks. “Scaniety” (scan-anxiety) is a very real thing. I’m trying to be matter-of-fact about it. I’m feeling well and sleeping well, both are good signs.



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