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My goal in Making Lemonade with the Big C was to offer readers glimpses into my experiences with cancer. When diagnosed in the same year with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and with a second cancer, an aggressive, non-Hodgkins B-cell lymphoma, I looked for ways to stay sane and optimistic. These are my stories for living, laughing, and learning while dealing with lymphoma, chemotherapy, and life. Oh, and navigating an autologous stem cell transplant in February 2023, followed by CAR T cell therapy May 2023 and finally an allogeneic stem cell transplant March 2024. I have also included snippets of wisdom from a variety of sources that I found helpful; perhaps you'll find one or two useful as well. If you believe someone else would benefit from reading my stories, please share this site with them.

Image by Cristina Anne Costello

Staying Positive

Maintaining a positive attitude takes work. Each week, I focus on things that will promote not just my physical health, but my mental well-being. Here are some of the things I have tried. 

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